WonderKing: Trading Ancient Key for Dragon Egg
We list some information on trading ancient Key for Dragon Egg in WonderKing: The egg key is not a good price. And what is more, you can get the cheapest WonderKing zed here. Now if you get a key means 100% chance to get the egg then yea, it would be reasonable but you still have a chance not to gain the egg. So why would someone give something out worth mills for something that may not bring in an egg for you? Bad trade and you highly doubt anyone would do this unless, you are saying others will trade you 5+ keys for an egg. Then maybe bc your chances are greater to get the egg.
A key for the egg is not a good price. Now if getting a key means 100% chance to get the egg than yea, it would be reasonable to you but still may not get the egg. Why would someone give something out worth mills for something? That may not bring in an egg for you. By the way, you also can enjoy the most professional WonderKing gold in our website. Bad trade and you highly doubt anyone would do this unless you are saying others will trade you 5+ keys for an egg. Then maybe bc your chances are greater to get the egg.
Seriously, you are wondering if there is a drop difference between Kado and Windus. When you were Moroing on your chars in Kado awhile back seriously Egg 4 dropped almost every single time others fought him Windus you have not once seen an egg drop. Why are there literally people selling the egg 6 for 2 mil and have 14 in stock? And people can sell scouters for 4 million. It is from zero to zero. You are about to go back to Kado, Screw the prices in Windus their horrible in comparison lol. We come to the ending, thank you for reading.