Try one of the following solutions or employ all six to Wizardry Gold enjoy
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Getting rid of stress may be easier than you Wizardry Gold think. Try one of the following solutions or employ all six to enjoy stress-free, or at least less-stressed, living. 1. Don't take things so personally. Part of what creates stress is thinking that what other people do is something is being done to us, or is a reflection of us or our actions. 2. Change your expectations. If you expect a co-worker to always be nice they continue to be cranky, you'll disappointed. You are choosing to be disappointed when you expect others to do something even when you have evidence to suggest that the behavior is highly unlikely. 3. Express your needs. Deciding to take responsibility for meeting your own needs is liberating. Without this decision, you lose time and energy waiting for others to figure out what you need and low, expecting them to deliver. If you need to hear compliments, say so. If you need to have more explanation, say so. It is up to you to get own needs met and no one will know what they are better than you. 4. Don't make assumptions. Often we make assumptions about what others are thinking. Catch your assumptions before they become beliefs. Catch them before you take action on something you've assumed, but not verified. You'll be better off learning you were wrong than fixing the wrong action you took as a result of your assumption.