How close can be called friend EQ2 Gold
In your heart, how close can be called friend? I have got something EQ2 Gold unhappy on friendship recently. So, I want to talk about it today. In my opinion, another close friend, sense of proportion is not bad, since that cooked the results against health quarantine. People are weird. They have wasted their tears for someone who does not love them and money on things they do not really need. Before you define him or her as your friend, you should think about a question that is he or she worth to be your friend. People tend to forget their duties but remember their rights. We have got used to get something from others and forget to give them something. In fact, people are selfish in the bottom of their heart. I think it like this. I do not mean that you should also think like this. That is just my idea and I really think so. Don't blame me. Maybe one day you will understand once you get something bad from your friend. It is easy to feel like you do not need help, but it is harder to walk on your own. Friends are important. It plays a necessary role in your life. So, it is also very important to choose the kind of your friend. I do not know what I am saying now. I just want to show that you should protect yourself no matter when.