You Have No Necessary to Click the Unidentified Equipments One Diablo 3 Gold By One
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The tragedy is still on the stage that the when players are identified, the equipments were changed unexpectedly Diablo 3 Gold and sold the goods to the NPC as the cheaper price. In this regard, the Blizzard Community Manager mentioned new features of 1.07 patches again. When you open the selling windows, the items of the identification of inventory could avoid to unintentional equipment replacement.
In fact, the use of the new patch 1.08 for Kane's book is also a key identification can achieve the same effect, but could get more convenient. You have no necessary to click the unidentified equipments one by one, and you just click every scene of the Kane town book directly, which can be a one-time identification of all the items in the backpack.
Please help us, today, one of my friends accidentally sold his worth 40 million flowers at the behest of the Buddha Tourbillon. After leaving the game, you could realize the problem. When you identified the booty, if you are not careful to click on the right-hand buttons which have been identified, the equipment will be changed without any prompting replacement. I have also sold the value of 8,000,000 echoed rages in the sleepy, but who did not play to tired?
Thank you for your feedback, but I would like to make a brief description, and you may have overlooked in the 1.07 patch we added a feature.
We made one of changes in patch 1.07 is that you can identified items trading window. So when you and a peddler make a conversation, you can click right-click on the item to identify, then you can choose to sell it again. Will, as usual, if you are not careful to sell equipment and are sold in the same game, you can buy it back at purchase window.
When you are at traders trading window, you should not be able to bar by right-clicking items to equip items and unexpected role of the body. Therefore, identification of objects and then open the window bar vendors of equipment, you can make sure you do not inadvertently replaced when the role of the body in the identification of the equipment.