One of these three women sitting next to Guild Wars 2 Gold me is my wife
Once upon a time, there was a fortune Guild Wars 2 Gold teller. One day, the local magistrate summoned him and said to him: "One of these three women sitting next to me is my wife, and the other two are maidservants, if you can identify who my wife is, I can remit you. Otherwise, I will kill you because of the fallacy." The fortune teller looked at these three women carefully, they had the same hair, the same clothing and the same deadpan, and then he said to the magistrate: "It is very simple, and even my disciple can identify it." So his disciple looked at the three women one by one very carefully, but he did not find anything and could not distinguish who is the magistrate's wife is. At the moment, the fortune teller played a slap in his master's face, he pointed to one woman and said: "She is the magistrate's wife." At this time, all people were surprised, as expected, the woman was the magistrate's wife. So they believed that the fortune teller can really soothsaying. As a matter of fact, when the fortune teller played a slip in his disciple's face, the three women's appearance was quite funny, the two maidservants laughed because they could not control in those big occasions. However, another woman was still sitting dignified and glassy-eyed, so she must be the magistrate's wife.