The engineer laugh at him that he bought an iron Runescape Gold cat
An engineer and a logician are good friends that they can talk about Runescape Gold anything. One day, they arranged to go to Egypt to visit the pyramids. When they got to the Egypt, they lived in a hotel, and the logician was writing his travel diary as usual. The engineer strolled in the street alone, suddenly he heard an old woman peddling along the street: "Selling cat, selling cat." The engineer found it was a black toy cat and it priced five hundred dollars. The old man explained the cat was the ancestral treasures, her grandson was ill so she had to sell it to exchange the hospitalization fee. The engineer held the cat and found it was a little heavy, "It must be made of the black iron, but the pair of eyes is pearls", he thought. So he said to the old woman: "I give you 300 dollars to buy the eyes." The old woman agreed. When the engineer was back, he said to the logician happily: "I only spend 300 dollars to buy two huge pearls." The logician looked at the pearls and thought it could value more than one thousand dollar, so he asked the whole thing about it. Several minutes later, the logician immediately rushed to the street, and spent two hundred dollars to buy the cat. The engineer laugh at him that he bought an iron cat, but the logician did not say anything. Suddenly, he scraped the feet of the cat with small knife, when the black paint was off, the gold appeared. Actually, the cat was made of pure gold.