Neverwinter : Foundry Focus: Bored of the Rings
Tags : Neverwinter
Rob Lashley continues his series for that is based around Neverwinter. Called Foundry Focus, Rob shines the spotlight on a specific Foundry quest each week. In this week's article, Rob takes a look at "Bored of the Rings". Check it out and then tell us about your favorite Foundry quests in the comments.
Content creator @Sourcreamking, whose name elicited a sense of hunger from Som, e-mailed me earlier in the week and asked that we play through his creation, Bored of the Rings. While I do not usually consider spoofs my thing this was a fun mission that took an iconic story, Lord of the Rings, and poked fun at it. We start off our quest by being tasked to take a ring and deliver it to Mount Gloom and then throw the ring to its destruction in the lava. At roughly 25 minutes into the video Som and I were discussing how it was nice to be surprised by easter eggs authors placed in their missions. I told Som if we didn’t see Gollum I was going to be disappointed. Less than 5 minutes later we saw a Gollum like creature that helped us destroy a pit fiend named Balrog. This creature was named Trollum. Sourcreamking also had humorous names for all the rest of the cast of characters from Lord of the Rings. Since Sourcreamking created more than a few laugh out loud moments for Som and I and he made effective use of flavor text items Sourcreamking earned a Mithral star for his creation.