WonderKing Vit and Str Skill builds
Here is the best place for you to buy cheap WonderKing zed. Regarding Riken, you could split the builds even further into pvm or pvp, because your skill build can completely depend on what you intend to do. For instance your paladin is a fairly pure str build made for pvm, rest is all str. You choose to have buffs maxed for party play, and as much skill or buff damage as possible for pvm.
Holy Light bringer, although it adds no damage to your attacks, turns the paladins normal attacks into such a powerful mobbing tool that the only skill you really even need is this one. You maxed the passive attack skill, and the strength buff, seeing as you are a WonderKing knight not a warrior and it is the best attack buff in arsenal. You deserve to put 5 points into each of the required skills for illumination hero, and save enough points to either max illumination hero, or divy them out into the attack skill combo. You have noticed maxing the previous attack skills, which do not add as much damage as you might think.