Which sell STO credits and offer STO power leveling.
Expansion in STO would have no effect on STO credits, just means that new promotional currencies alongside Federation merit points and Clinton honor. All of you know that those points are non-transferable, which means that they are not for sold and you have no right to switch them to a new character. The STO credits you buy is only the energy credits which aims to upgrades to ship systems. While you players have no need to worry about the stores which sell STO credits and offer STO power leveling, this expansion would not totally change the intrinsic to STO credits and this game, so you should just take it easy. Whether you buy STO credits or not, you should pay attention to the STO credits market, to say in a long run, it is essential for your game-play. If you are looking for more information about STO Online, you could click here to check out.