What the Diablo3 gold players care most is the exact publish time of the game.
The master piece of Blizzard, diablo 3 opened the beta test not long ago. Many players has already experienced that. What the Diablo3 gold players care most is the exact publish time of the game, diablo Amazon has already opened the presell page, but that did not tell the publish data. But some players found the exact time in the website of Walmart. That is 7th Feb 2012. Will that be true?The plan date of publish time is end of this year. But the Blizzard said that would be delayed to 2012. Also the exact time is still unknown yet. Though the Amazon opened the presell page not long ago but that did not leak any information of publish. But the data show exactly 7th Feb 2012 on the presell page on Walmart. Some players thought that is believable while others do not think so. They thought that is just a method of selling by Walmart. Because the Blizzard used to tell that they did not know the time of publish yet.Otherwise, there is one guy that prophecy the title of the new materials and pictures, the nature gift of panderens and some details about the cash auction house of diablo 3 exactly said that the planned publish data is 24th Dec 2011.