WOW Gold: Each profession's attributes make for distinctive battle strategy
Every profession possesses up to five attributes. Attributes are specific to the professions you choose, and your hero's pool of attribute points derives from the combination of your primary and secondary professions.
The first attribute listed is available WOW Gold only to a character that chooses that profession as a primary. For example, a Warrior/Monk would have access to the primary Warrior attribute, Strength.
A Monk/Warrior would get Divine Favor as a primary attribute. Either combination would possess the three normal Monk attributes and the four normal Warrior attributes, but the primary attribute will make each one play differently and serve a different function in the adventuring party.
Most skills are tied to a specific attribute; improving an attribute automatically improves those related skills. Each profession's attributes make for distinctive battle strategy, and the specific attributes you choose to improve help you to create a fighting style all your own.
Note: You can find a skill's attribute listed in the skill's description. Mouse over skill icons to read descriptions, consult the Skills page for more detailed information.
Consulting a chart like the one at the following site (no affiliation to the author) can help you mix dyes more efficiently: