Twelvesky2 Different Chat Modes
12sky2 Gold is useful to each new player. Now, there are more and more online games. Do you know twelvesky2? Here is a short message which I got it from official site in Twelvesky2, hope you take a minute to have a look, here it is!
In this article I will tell you some chat modes:
Normal-Normal chat has a very short range. This is good to use to say hello to another member of your Faction that you meet while hunting monsters, since it will not go any further that visual range.
Party-When in a party, players can use Party chat in order to chat with each other regardless of zone. Only party members will see this chat.
Guild-Guild chat is similar to Party chat, in that all Guild members can chat with each other regardless of zone. However, parties are limited to 5 and are temporary, while Guilds have a much larger limit and generally last for a longer duration.
Faction-Faction chat allows players to chat with other members of their Faction within the same zone. All Faction members in the zone can read this type of chat.
Shout-Only usable in Saigon Temple. Members of all Factions can read this chat, so it is often used for trade purposes.
Whisper-A player can type in a character name next to the word whisper in order to send a message to one specific person. Whispers can be blocked through the Options Menu.
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