This is and has been an on-going issue for too long.
Ok, as a long time player of this game I have to wonder why this hasn't been brought to light sooner. There is a serious issue of k0xpers/goldfarmers taking these end-game mobs like it is a walk in the park. There have been anti-wallhack measures implemented which have had literally 0 effect. These 2 bosses are continually targeted by goldfarmers who proudly sell their drops for real money, you can find their websites EVERY time you log to moradon.
I am making a formal post to request the presence of one GM at every restart. This is and has been an on-going issue for too long. One GM can handle this issue, all they have to do is log each server immediately upon the restart and check these 2 bosses. The bans will come naturally if this can be upheld.