There were scummy wow gold people riding the coat tales of the few good players.
God I remember UBRS. We had to get 15 people together, pray somebody had the key, and then plug in there for 3 hours or so to get to Drakk only to then find out that your chestpiece, never dropped. But you think today and say "Oh man UBRS I miss UBRS." Try running it now. It's boring, and old, and has a lot of trash. It's no longer, fun or worthwhile.The same situation plays out with 40 man raiding. Look at 25 man raiding and how even now it has the potential to become a pain in the ass when so and so can't log on or is running late. Fact of the matter is I hope Blizzard does not go back at all to their 40 man raid style. Most of the time there were scummy wow gold people riding the coat tales of the few good players in the raid and getting gear as a result. 40 man raids have great potential in PVP and in world encounters, but not in a dungeon. And for the record I do indeed have tons of fond memories of Molten Core, Blackwing Lair, and Ahn'Qiraj. Didn't have too many fond ones in Naxxramas though hehe, that was like trying to get 39 trained chimps to play DDR with the green goo shotting up fromt he ground, let alone the freaking gargoyls that wouldn't die.We currently have no plans to add a 40-player dungeon into Wrath of the Lich King. We fully anticipate making the 10 and 25-player dungeons and raids challenging as a part of their progression.