There is no one way to defeat him as there are so many variables such as level
Step 7 - Your 4th boss is Franken Doju who is similar to Dofus kamas Toto and Tutu from the previous instances. Take him down and claim your 4th key. Once you exit the room, jump over the gap in the floor and head left.
This time, jump down the gap in the floor and continue heading left until you reach the stairs. You have now arrived at your final floor. Dodge all the lasers until you reach the center of the room… notice how there is a door in the background? Enter through that door.
Step 8 - You have arrived at your final mini-boss… the Bald Porky. Once you defeat him, claim the key, leave the room and head right. Once your team has assembled there, have the leader enter the room and all will follow. Then… you shall start the battle.
Step 9 - Defeat Farrel, there is no one way to defeat him as there are so many variables such as level, number of party members, classes etc. Farrel attacks with a variety of different attacks from all the different characters you have fought before, most often the most annoying from each of them.
If you don’t succeed level up a little bit more, get more party levels or anything else to increase your firepower. Good Luck Everyone!