The info about warrior
The info about warrior
knight online noah is my favorite, especially when I play he online game. It can help me up my game level, and also can make me happy.
Knight is a good online game, I like play it. Recently, I read some tips about it. I know have much more knight online gold an up my game level, but know some tips also can help you up your game level.
Warriors tend to get duffer a lot, they are not as fast as sins and as melees, warriors have to get close to attack. The best priests and rogues will cure you without your even asking.
Warriors backed by a 1920 healer are flat out nasty. So get a good healer if you can. And keep an eye on your heal themselves, which means the healing will stop. Leg-cut dose not seem to work as well as on rogues, who have high dexterity. It only works about 20% of the time on my archer. The warrior 62 skill is awesome and worth leveling for. People have debated whether dual-wield is better than using a 2-h weapon. Some folks seem to think a 2-h weapon is better. A canine has been experimenting with dual-wielding, and she delivers more overall damage with dual-wielding. I have also heard that combing is a bit easier with dual-wielding. This is one of those things you should try for yourself, people argue this one to death.
To play online game, the cheap knight gold is the necessary. So if you want to have higher game levels, you should try your best to get more and more knight gold.