The following levels of faction are gained by number of Knight gold tokens
Proceed out the way you came, and stack two planks on one another to reach the mushrooms you skipped Knight gold earlier. Slice and dice your way to the Zygomyd Spore King, make sure you fight him alone (he's dangerous with adds).
Also I have told about 10 people in game about this over the last few days to see if it was common knowledge and they were all excited to find this out so it doesn't appear it is "common knowledge".
So I am submitting this knowledge not as a Bug or Hack or anything but maybe as a guide for new members interested in crafting explaining how they can store more of their crafted items while waiting for space to free up on their merchants.
What you ask could drive me to giving up such INSANE information? Shocked Anyway, my guildies swears that this is not just luck and that he has found it to be true many times.
For those wanting to jack up quickly via tokens, instead of killing, the following levels of faction are gained by number of tokens.
This presumes you're starting on your first faction. [10] Threatening [30] Dubious [70] Apprehensive [110] Indifferent [180] Amiable [220] Kind (instanced Court access) [260] Warm [300] Ally (house pets available)