The Money Can Point Out Golden Used to Change Points
So if you don't want to stimulate it, then you also have other method. First to buy 500 + Ge of cosmic, nature, law, bring staff, to duel arena. Not let you go find someone to the list pick, but to the north of the mage training arena. There, you can play games, earn points, other props. Telegrab Theater is to use telekinetic grab this spell mobile stone to make points. Alchemy is golden. Eight closets that will take turns to change, golden point out of the money can be used to change points (but you can't bring their own money in!). Bones to peaches (Runescape Gold) is pick up bones and then into a banana or peach to change the points. The last one is note demons. The four points can be used to other props, a level 50 armor (a set of several mil), staff, magic stone, like, anyhow is also a good choice.