The Guide in Age of Conan
We ask you not to discuss warez and other illegal activity. Catchphrases, memes, image macros, Rickrolls, and other such Internet tomfoolery are funny until the moderators decide they are not funny anymore. Along with their banhammer, they are also issued badges from the Humor Police. While these do not apply to a game AOC Gold in a pre-launch state, for the sake of completeness, we include them here.
Individual account issues in-game Age of Conan Gold banning, problems with your account, GM issues go through customer support emails or in private messages. If there is a serious problem with customer support, please contact a community person. Posting of any account details, especially we have cancelled, cancellation screens, and so on.
Moderation is not ever a topic for open forum. If you have any questions or feedback on moderation, it should be addressed to the community manager or the specific moderator via private message. And do not post threads questioning moderation. Such threads will be removed.
If a topic is closed or removed do not, under any circumstances, repost the same topic or material. If you have any questions as to why a thread was closed or removed. Please contact the moderator via private message.
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