The Guide for Monster Book in Maplestory
These labels book club, color coded in similar background color cards, this part. A green background, it seems, labels, the card is green. The only exception is card from the monster, because these appear in different parts, called special card. Some events also appear special card monsters.
Only monsters found on Maple Island, Victoria Island, and Ossyria currently drop cards. In MapleSEA, JapanMS, ChinaMS and TaiwanMS cards drop from Zipangu, Shanghai Wai-Tan, Shaolin Temple, Ximending and Taipei 101 monsters. MapleSEA had just released Singapore and Malaysia cards. All other World Tour areas, such as Floating Market and Masteria, do not have cards in any version.
It is expected that when the version which created a town gets the Monster Book, the monsters in that version's World Tour area will begin dropping cards. Monsters in Party Quests do not drop cards, with the exception of bosses: King Slime, Alishar, Poison Golem, Lord Pirate, Papa Pixie, and Frankenroid. The above level (Maple Story mesos) for the party, buy mission, these CARDS to the event.
When you received five monsters, you will gain the effect of donation called monster, an hour. This buff gives you 15% whenever you kill the monsters experience in Maplestory. If you go to the Pearl Harbor, you have this buff; you can accomplish the task of the event titled the monster talking Tienk effect. If you choose to do this, you will lose the effect. You can only obtain donations of monsters effect for a given monsters.