Star Wars: The Old Republic : Should SWTOR Go Free-to-Play?
In this week's Star Wars: The Old Republic column we discuss whether or not SWTOR should make the switch to the free-to-play business model.
I've been knee-deep in the community since I came on in June of 2009, but it feels like only yesterday when our community was up in arms over the notion of some Western game going free-to-play. While some of this sentiment still remains, it doesn't take more than a cursory glance to notice that there's been an overall attitude shift here, and this is likely due in part to the gradual trend towards free-to-play that has been going on since DDO made the extremely successful switch back in September of '09. This apparent shift, at least to me, speaks volumes to where things are headed and it's got me asking myself one question in particular as of late:
Should Star Wars: The Old Republic go Free-to-Play?