Something to share with Mabinogi Players
We are an old player in Holic and we like to search some useful thing to play Holic on the Internet. Meanwhile we like to buy Mabinogi Gold, it is very useful. Now we want to write down something about Holic to share with you, our friends. In Mabinogi, you play as hero or heroine, trying to recover your memories, lost in the twilight. As you go along on your journey and fight against the force of darkness, your memories start to reemerge. In the beginning of your journey, you must select a soldier, including their own skills. With so many choices. Many monsters threaten your life in the realm of Walled. It is cruel.
But you must go through. Only through doing tasks in this game (Mabinogi online gold), you will soon start to realize who you are and what you should do. Just as each game, as you advance through the game, the monsters start getting harder to overcome. The task will be a challenge for you. You will not be alone in the game; people will make a team with you. Also the pets will help you along the way.