Something about the Major Event in Twelvesky2
The system we mentioned previously might not work too well for major events in game (12sky2 Gold), but it could be effective as minor events among the world. A giant troll NPC attacks the outskirts of a village, NPCs run rampant around the area pleading for help or requesting someone help them kill it before it does any further damage or manages to reach the actual village. A few players could join forces and attempt to kill the troll. Raising reputation they have among the local area with little reward.
A major event could also cater for a quest to be taken by a guild of Twelvesky2 players. Having them investigate, interrogate, looking for clues and fixing the problem or conflict in the area, these jobs could give the guild leader a handsome reward for him to distribute among his fellow guildies. If they failed the job, an interesting change could be amde to the area. Maybe it is taken over by a mercenary/bandit group which starts robbing nearby players and cuts all trade and quests there making it a useless area until another city tries to capture it. We provide twelve sky2 Gold for you.