Something About Caster in Age of Conan
If you look back and see any suggestions we have ever made for better balance, you will see what we have said here. The changes were dumb. Simply changing the sprint mechanic and how endurance worked was better IMO. That and casters geared, not base hps, it needed less hps (aoc gold).
A debuff buff spell sets up a caster to do more dmg with the longer spell in AOC, but the case is the same for us using IFA 4 then HOFS 6. The fact is, we have to close distance and land both of those, and can get the dmg nerfed to hell by missing a set up hit or two on hofs have it get parried have the blow be glancing. We have to close with a moving target to do it.
We do not care to get into too much about which is harder melee or casters in game (age of conan gold), we would say they had a lot of trade offs both ways. In 1.05, the things that were disadvantages for melee stayed, and a lot of the things that were disadvantages for casters went away. This needed adjusting. We think FC has taken a very wrong path in adjusting it since they have decided to limit play style of an archetype, rather than simply adjust the things out of whack, the way they have.