Some wow gold people refuse to get in vent even they have it.
How many times has your DPS died to a void zone?The fact is that the raid leader and the raid as a whole survive with the Scapegoat. There is a Scapegoat for every raid at the bottom of the blame chain and the DPS charts.But how do you become the Scapegoat? It's your first time in a 25 man raid, you'll be the Scapegoat. As the first boss goes down, everyone will see your Emblem of Heroism achievement. The only way with this is hoping that you're not the only one. If you are, prepare for a long, lonely raiding experience as the Scapegoat.The likelihood you will be dubbed the Scapegoat goes up 100% if you don't have vent or a mic, or you live in a tiny apartment with paper walls and your wife/girlfriend is sleeping right behind you. Some wow gold people refuse to get in vent even they have it, have a mic and live in a sound-proof room. These people are lazy and deserve to be Scapegoats. Get in vent, noobs!Someone drops the Mutating Injection in the wrong spot and it wipes out all the healers and half of the ranged DPS. It doesn't matter that you're melee DPS stabbing Grobbulus in the back. It doesn't matter if you were off-tanking slimes halfway across the room.Some positive idiot hung out on the negative side during Thaddius and the whole raid wipes. It doesn't matter if you were stealthed and AFK at the door. It's your fault.With your abysmal DPS, the raid leader gives you web wrap duty on Maexxna.