Some Poll Options in DFO
We think some of the poll options are a little misinformed. World strongest low kick can do 200k damage (Dungeon Fighter gold) with proper gear, and nen flowers takes roughly one skill to charge and somewhere on the range of 200k as well. Compared to things like scud genocide which does not do much at all, they really are quite nice. Actually seeing the awakenings in action before making judgments about them helps.
Also, in DFO, the witch awakening passive is very good for witches. The extra success chance goes nuts in PvE. Poll was just to gauge if people agreed with us. We will remove it then. Scud genocide was very close to making it on the list, actually, but it seemed somewhat effective on the you tube videos. Nen flower was an afterthought because we wanted 10 options in game (Dungeon Fighter Online gold).