Some Fun Leveling up in RedWar
Buy red war gold can help you level up easily and buy all items which are needed in game. Items in RedWar are crap now. There is no rare or specials items which make this game interesting. Maybe it is time to have level requirement on items, so we all can make a bit of gold here and there. Basically this game is a grinding game because the project does not matter. It is difficult to get to play this game, because we can not make any money to buy pots.
If you train in the 41 map, it costs more in uncursing gems to try to uncurse stuff than what the gear is even worth. It will boost market again. Cause high b stuff sell between 300 to 700k now from 1m+ and no noob chars are able to make any money in game (redwar gold). Now since all the low items has no value, they just save up for low b stuff which is like 100 to 300k.