Magic is a Very Interesting Skills
Magic is a very interesting skill. Can be used to make money, note the devils, fight, transmit, and take things... And so on and so on. The best advice I have some money to practice magic, because if you don't, provide high to runes of words, this ability is very expensive, especially a higher level of magic. Low levels of ascension in this method without discussion. If you have the magic 60 + words, magic the skills will be very good to make money. The only thing you have to do is ready to dragon shield, try to win sb's favor dragon potion, and take some food with thousands runes with staff, you good start making money! Literally from which port to sail to brim haven (musa point, go west, the Iron Gate). Go south, there will be a dungeon, want to collect about 800 dollars (how much I forget, anyway concrete with a 1000 + just in case). Runescape Gold to most deep place to go, and there are three kinds of the strongest dragon bronze and iron, steel.