Last Chaos: How Evasion and Hit Rate Works
The 100% or more evasion does not mean you will avoid all attacks all the time, neither does having 100% or more hit rate mean that you will successfully land a hit on your target all the time. Your evasion and hit rate is offset by the evasion and hit rate of the monster or player that you are fighting against.
If you have, for example, 90% evasion and your opponent has 45% hit rate, then out of every three attacks they make on you, you will likely avoid two and get hit by one. In both PvE and PvP now, it seems the outcome of an attack is determined by taking the total number of evasion points the defender has and the total number of hit rate points the attacker has, and doing a random roll.
If the defender is a Knight and has, say, 700 Magical Resistance points and the attacker is a Mage and has 300 Magical Hit Rate points, then the defender has a much better chance of ending up with a higher number when the roll is finished.
If the defender does end up with a higher number, the outcome is that they are able to successfully avoid that attack. If the attacker ends up with a higher number, they are able to successfully land a hit on the defender. At that point the defender's Magical Defense and the attacker's Magical Attack would come into play and the damage would be calculated accordingly.
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