Knight Warrior Build Guide
Go on reading and enjoy your knight gold! His way will have even better defence, and close to the same AP.
Remark: Warrior earrings in Knight do not need those for ardream. If you see a mage pop off one those resistance pots, and instead of putting 5 points into berserking, just use the str scrolls from PuS. The 5 points you save up can be put into defense so you get immunity. You do not need any more resistance then that. And if you get chitin set+8, dual rocs, an iron necklace and a decent belt like skele belt or something with decent AC on it, you can do with 30 less ac. Do not like that? Get AC valk. Instead of the WE-'s get ur hands on some 14/2 or 16/3 str earrings.
AC is important, but so is AP. If you have no time to earn professional knight online gold, you can buy it from our website at the lowest price. You just need to find a way to distribute, and for you this way has worked well. Also you can switch between the skele and a plain old 14/2str belt depending on the situation. Same for the necklace, you can switch between IN and lupus+1 or more depending on yer coins.
Ive had dcz war for a long time, and gear used to be a lot better, but now you do fine with chitin+8set, ii+8, skele, foverins lupus+3 and quest earrings. Personally you would prefer just a bit more AP, therefore you do not get ks-ed as much by spike, but imho this is a good balanced setup that lets you beat most ardream players and gets you enough kills to feel happy after 30minutes of PK. Ardream warriors are often said to be hard chars to play good. But imho it's the char that requires the least good gear to be any good, other than assassins of course. Only problems are battle priests of course, so keep in mind to get some club defence as well. Thanks for your reading.