Knight Pull Strange in Shaiya
Attract Boss Process of Knight in Shaiya
1, using the mouse to select targets. And you can buy cheap shaiya gold here. With T or Tab key, and is not suitable for Knight, because the game terrain, if the T or Tab with strange elections, then a pillar or a grass, so you can wander in that half-day; with the goal of the shortcomings of the mouse selection is the need to quickly move the mouse, at the same time rotate the camera, of course, you may have to Anzhuo W key. Therefore, this requires CS basis point more to the picture on the dangling enough resistance.
2, skills attract boss blame for the single best use of fear, great blue province, provincial living, together for 4, 5 months, or compare the efficiency of weak curse. Hidden in the sand and rocks, wood piles, where, despite the lead it, they would have got the same. If the two have a strange middle fence, to lead this close to their side of the strange, a weak curse in the past, there will also be in the strange, otherwise have to bypass the fence.
3, suction hatred of things strange beginning, of course on our knights, but with mages attacks, hate will gradually shift, the higher the monster level (shaiya money), the faster the transfer. Therefore, we need to Cleveland after the completion of Yinguai task, but also to absorb blame, so they gathered around us.