Hungarian team in Ragnarok
Today's first match where against the Hungarian team, which is seeded in Ragnarok. There should be no doubt that we where expecting to win this game quick and by a quite large margin. The wind picked up just as it stopped raining. The fields are really narrow, which actually suited us perfectly as this allowed us to put up our zone. It worked perfectly the first three points, which all ended with us blocking the disc and scoring, even though we needed more blocks in some points.
Halftime ended with Ragnarok in the level Ragnarok online zeny 8 against 3, but is clear that we became increasingly overconfident, which resulted in some three too many long upwind hucks, that is in the same point. After halftime we just played as we had played the first half. Both Wurstmeister and Lars produced block, and with Wurstmeister using his two arms and one of his legs to catch the disc after a semi-fumble we ended the match with the score 15-4.
I am not going to write much about our second match against Furiousgoats as it was pretty much same but different. The difference being that we lost three guys in match! First Thomas Alsted got a fiber in his lower leg, secondly Jesper Bakkegaard landed on his own arm and thirdly Lasse Gejl damaged his already damaged shoulder after a layout-D attempt.