How to improve your items
In my opinion, Gaia gold needs be valued by all players now. gaia money is very important for gaia players.
There are three items in gaia: Meteor debris, Crystallization of life and Warrior's blood. Players should not only know how to use these items but also how to improve them. Meteor debris can strengthen all the preventive class props.
The crystallization of life can strengthen all weapons, accessories, or wings. The blood of soldiers plays the hidden power of weapons props, and it has the ability to enhance the combat weapons-grade. Back to the topic, and let me tell you how to level up your item.
The simplest way is improve them with your gaia online gold. That will be very quickly. But today we face the most new players. We all know that newbie have no enough gold to level up and have no so much skill to improve. The most important thing is they do not want to often buy gaia gold.
So we will introduce a little difficult way.
1. You should use the 'strengthening the necessary items' such as: Meteor debris in the backpack, then click and choose the items to be strengthened.
2. Click on "Confirm" button to begin to strengthen.
3. When the strengthening is full, you have completed the strengthened items.
Now let us look at the Improvement Results:
Meteor debris and Crystallization of life's Results:
1. Item Level up. 2. Items keep the same level. 3. Items disappear. 4. When you enhanced the items, adding 1 to 4 level are safe strengthening. 5. When the items have been strengthened up to more than 4 to strengthen again, there are certainly likely to fail and cause items will disappear.
The Warrior blood's Results:
1. Item Level up. 2. Items keep the same level. 3. Items disappear. 4. The success rate of +1 to +4 enhanced is 100%.
At this moment, you have finished the improvement of your items. You can see you can done the improvement and do not need buy gaia online gold from other websites.