Herb Gathering and Woodcutting in aion
Herb Resources appear as a bundle of grass on your mini-map. When using herbs for recipes, it will need to be refined first. To refine herbs, your character (Rom Gold) needs to possess the correct recipe for doing so. Recipes can be purchased from the various herbalism instructors found in the major cities in the game. For herbs, the refining recipes are Bundle, Sap, and Extract. Each recipe needs to be purchased separately, and you can only purchase recipes equal to or less than the level (aion Gold) of your herbalism skill.
Woodcutting Resources appear as a log on your mini-map. When using wood for recipes, it will need to be refined first. To refine wood, your character needs to possess the correct recipe for doing so. Recipes can be purchased from the various woodcutting instructors found in the major cities in ROM. For wood, the refining recipes are Timber, Lumber, and Plank. Each recipe needs to be purchased separately, and you can only purchase recipes equal to or less than the level of your woodcutting skill.