Get the fishing skill
wonderland Gold is important, the first task for a new gamer is to sell it. Fishing is a very important and really needed skill at higher levels, especially if you have a cash amu which is that the general wonderland money for auto fishing. Now just because its auto fishing does not mean you can ark fish. But with this, you can watch TV, or a movie, or actually study/do homework etc. while auto fishing.
Fishing is important for a few reasons, especially at higher levels. One thing that is important, if you want you can use some of the fish, or just sell it and if you sell to buy wonderland Gold most of the fish to the NPC you can get full bags from just selling fish.
Also, one important thing you can get from fishing is Kamin and Parahnas. Kamin give the most HP than any pot in the game since the new NPC pots have not been put in yet. They give 2840 HP which is way more than the store max pots of 1600 wonderland online Gold. Parahnas also give 3000 HP worth of HP, but over time.
Lastly, the most important reason for Fishing is agates. With the prices of agates now etc. It is a good way to save cheap wonderland online money and fish for agates yourself, or to make even more money by fishing and selling agates you find.
Now you do not have to get the fishing skill, especially without the cash amu, manually fishing probably sax. But you think about it, looking at my skills if we removed the 4 fishing skill points, and the Breton AOE Skill, that only leaves me with 5 skill points.