General Balo Build in Jade Dynasty
As the others may not know, you need to spend 32 points on athan tier1 to be able to access tier2 spells, but with 44 points spent there, your more powerful higher tier spells get shanked. Cut back on leveling (ordeal or tailsip) if your gonna max out (potent) or vice versa.
It is not a MUST to level (Jade Dynasty Gold) up both left hand tree and right hand tree unless your going with duo tier5 combo and there is a better effect tier3 speed boost which takes up fewer skill points to max out than. Do not really need to be maxed. They only give 900 Sp or HP respectively at level 150 is what everyone says, but actually maxed vigor gives a base900 about 12.5% HP buff worth of total HP and 900Sp is directly equal to 1800 points worth of Balo HP with the posture in effect.
And that is with just the BASE scores which add on to the whooping HP or decent SP a balo might have Jade Dynasty. Those 2 postures are like a Mana shield and SP-loan at a premium for PvP and to a big extent in botting. Best to max out either in accordance to which posture you see yourself using more often in the future.
Those edits alone will save you a good 6-13 points and the best rule is to spend just enough points on tier1 to be able to access tier2 skills, ie 32 points, at least for balo the best thing to do is save points for the better spells, since tier3 and tier4 could very well take up around 40 points each depending on your fine tuning decisions.