Fast Money Making in Twelvesky2
Pick up pills mobs drop. It is nice to sell pink rejuvenation pills to NPC, one such pill is worth 1.7k, 99 pills 170k. You should use 90% hp pills for PvP only and of course only after lower pills are not enough to fill your hp (12sky2 Gold) bar. Picking up money mobs drop will not give you much money at low levels (twelve sky2 Gold), but later at 50+ level you should spam picking hotkey all time XD, it does accumulate and pay at least your hp pills. Also pick up any drops, preferring weapons and armor vs gloves and boots and if you are full and still do not want to go to town, drop some big item and pick up only rings and amulets by making no 2x2 square available in inventor. Sell them to NPC on visit to town.
Buy cheap, sell not so cheap. You will find eventually some valuable items in Twelvesky2. Rare equipment, stones, sutras, mats. Try to open shop when you go afk and sell it for other players. The thing with trading is that faction wining most wars; it will have a lot more money floating in their economy. What you can do if you are in always loosing faction is make an alt character of wining faction, transfer materials, sutras, stones and other not faction depended items to this char using shop at housekeeper.