Elf Twink for Level 30 in Rohan
Welcome you curious players Rohan Gold. This is more for players who are veterans and know what the hell your doing. After much researching we found that making a elf twink, it is a bit easier only because there are many items out. There with sufficient int to make a dent on characters 20 levels higher than you. Making a twink for rohan is going to take time and a hell a lot of luck. We foremost can tank currently a full room of bloods and dish out enough power to take them down quickly at level 30 with no buffs.
Our attack is pretty decent but nothing great, so far many of the items we need are either non existent or just plain hard to achieve in forging. Overall it is extremely fun and enjoyable to making a twink, this is highly recommended for players that already have achieved the high ranks. Twinks are more for show than anything else and yes they cost a lot of money to build. So you are going to say, well, we just make a level 99 and kill everyone. Answer to this, there is nothing more enjoyable than seeing a player when they know your level 30 and they can not take you down.
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