Dofus kamas players do lack a couple things that balance things out.
From my view, srams having advantages as: invis, good trap arsenal, stat steal, 'sortof-not-always-useful' clone with high HP, some placement manipulation.Dofus kamas players do lack a couple things that balance things out: no healing, no shielding, no multi-turn ap steal, traps are usually 'seen' by monsters, no high power ranged AoE spell, no ultra buffs, 2nd in place class spell (iops spell beats srams), no reflects, 2-element only and maybe a short etc.And despite these shortcomings and advantages I still belive we don't stand out OP.I would like to suggest a change in trap mechanics, which can be regarded OP by some, still I truly hope to have a couple 'constructive' replies, whether OP or not. Do comment away! There's usually many chances to have traps laid all over the map if one doesn't spend 2 ap to fear someone onto them, and this comes in high amount of 'idle' traps which can become a nuisance for strategy just a few turns after being laid, and ultimatly may be discouraged for this reason,