Difficulty Ranking and PVP in Shaiya
Shaiya another introduction and you can enjoy the cheapest shaiya gold here:
1. Difficulty Ranking
A very cool thing they did to this game is that they added a difficulty that you get to pick.
Easy - very usless. Max level (shaiya money) is 30 and there are no specials. Weaker than normal difficulty.
Normal - Stronger then Easy players. Max level is 60. gain 5 stats per level and 3 skills per level. You should basically start on normal.
Hard - Must get to level 50 on normal mode to unlock hard mode. Gain 7 stats per level and 4 skills per level. Much stronger than normal level players, but you have to get x6 more Exp then normal players.
Ultimate - You did not reach this level yet, so you are not too sure on this, but it is 9 stats per level and 5 skills per level. The things you are sure of is that if you reach this, you can be called God. Very difficult killing an ultimate character, but there is an effect to that power, if you die by accident; your character gets deleted unless a priest resurrects you. It is a fair price to pay to battle for the position of God.
2. PVP
Basically you have to enter portals to go in the pvp zone. Once you enter, your race will be on the borderlands and will engage in combat against the other race. You must fight your way to victory. There are more details to explain about pvp, but you could be lazy, so just play the game and figure it out or you tube some vids. That is all Ranking and PVP introduction!