CrimeCraft Features
They are social games task spying, buying, selling, trading, handicrafts, etc. We want to keep fighting in the battle area, if we let people shoot one another while shopping, the world will soon be translated into chaos! Whether there will be gang signs and gestures, with just the logo can pick just the leaders.
Once you are in a gang, like, your logo will automatically appear in your character back to you the symbol of loyalty to the crew level (crimecraft cash). Stacking is another matter, we have to play. Expression of a wide variety of people, we are adding more all the time.
CrimeCraft will provide a combination of equipment including thousands of colors, so you can create your own personal style and swagger to the Urban Cowboy uniform. In addition, a deep skill tree customization, allowing you to specific areas of expertise in the implementation of different functions and out of combat. The answer is no restricted urban areas.