Be sure to point your damage abilities to boost the typically lessened damage
Healers such as the Bear Shaman, Priest of Mitra, and the Tempest of Set all do quite well once you get into your damage and self healing groove. Be sure to point some Anarchy Credits points into your damage abilities to boost the typically lessened damage output of healers.
Even if you don't play a stellar solo class you can still rock Hyboria all on your lonesome.
Know Thyself! A major factor in how well a player solos is how well they know their class. No, I'm not talking about the quality time we know you spend with your topless Aquilonian. I mean learning what your class can do and what it cannot do in detail.
Each class is given the tools to be successful in game.
Combos and Spells: Know what they do and how it helps you. Some do more damage than others and debuffs can be awesome at crippling your opponent when you need it.
Skills: These are often overlooked until you need one. Keep up with these and allocate those points!
Feats: These are a strong ally for any player. Study various feat builds and find what works for you. These can very easily be the difference you need to make you a better soloer.