At the foundation of your PvP play is going to be the players who fill their character’s roles
Building your Corp - If you plan to start a PvP corporation or even just setup a pirating ring among your close friends the following Aion Gold chapter contains useful planning tips. Mostly to do with human resources, first of all decide what your goal is.
Do you have a corp already? Looking to protect you? Do you want to take 0.0 spaces? Do you want to be the best group of pilots in your alliance? At the foundation of your PvP play is going to be the players who fill their character’s roles.
Your corps’ strength depends on your understanding of teamwork, and ultimately how well you used it. This is certainly important overtime. You need to find players who are interested in the same goals you are, or if they are not find players who you can create a symbiotic relationship with.
Everyone needs to be able to help everyone else out. This isn’t to say that you shouldn’t advertize for any player that will join your corporation. If you have the skills to manage all those players more power to you. But, you should take very cautious care in deciding who leads what. What group is online when etc?
Make sure people “under” their leaders understand that it’s not a statement of superiority; the concept behind organizing players is to more effectively act together. That’s all.