Around January i decided to become a VIP subscriber.
Late last year i started with the F2P in LoTR and i enjoyed it alot. Around January i decided to become a VIP subscriber. Everything is good and i am enjoying the game alot more, but i am very confused about the expansion content that is offered in the store. I think it is one thing that Turbine could simplify a little better.
With another expansion coming this fall, i would like to get a better understanding of the current ones avalaible.
In the store, i can buy the Moria Quest packs and the Moria Expansion (all quests and unlocks Warden and Runekeeper), that i can see and understand. But is there a Mirkwood expansion somewhere too, i can not see it in the store.
When I am on the store, it tells me that i have all the latest there is. So its confusing.
Can anyone comment please.