Another sight to see boats
Eve isk can not be indispensable in the game, and it is the center of this course.
If we are lack of the gold, we may lose the best chance, even more, and other player in the same team can not trust you. It is so bad to play this game, and this end is not what we want.
This is more common than stars in the door, and you are in the case of hidden state. If you are not using automatic navigation, the spacecraft will hold your state which has been in stealth, you have enough time to observe whether from assuming in bad faith or hostile players, if you are found, you can close the client.
After you shut down the spacecraft will be overt, but since you did not shut down the attack, even if it is locked or interference, but your ship will quickly disappear.
If you use auto navigation, then you are a star through the door is still more hidden state to automatically moved to the middle of the next star gate shorter intervals. May be too late to find the enemy you close the client, your ship has already begun moving of the overt automatically.
As long as the enemy attacks you for your referrals before the start, you then close your client spacecraft will stay for fifteen minutes.
This is why a lot of lone European cargo ship services are hop and hop go without automatic navigation, which is why at the same time keep the door with a three dimensional star bomb why.
Therefore, to determine whether the escape depends on the moment you break it in attack state, non-attack state, the invisible spaceship when offline you will not stay long. This is the game settings, and it is not bug.