Love others as self
Love others as self
Now I have worked about three months and during these three months I think lots of things, when I graduated from my college life where I will go and what I should do, so many things are needed me thought of, but even today I can not answer that questions perfectly, because my whole four years campus life I did only two things, that was, playing games and earning latale online gold. So when I graduated from college that I was so worried about myself, and when I did not find this job, everyday in my home I only did was also playing games, that days I think they were my worst days, I did not earned salary but I should buy latale online gold.
So my boyfriend often was angry with me, and we quarreled with each other all those days, and that time we even wanted to say farewell to the other side, but we two both did not do that. And now I also have worked, and I have given up my latale gold and prepared to work hard then we two go to Hainan City and have a short happy visit and enjoy ourselves. But from the game world I learnt that we should love others as self, for in this game world that I made a close foreigner friend who is blind man but he is very kindhearted and treat everyone as his close friend, and take good care of them, if I have troubles that he will help me, not only in the games but also in the reality life, and I remember clearly that time when I played games and wanted to earn much cheap latale gold, it was he that he told me I should have a talk with my boyfriend if I love him, and he said if I played games as before that my boyfriend would be angry with me, and I had broken his heart, as one good girlfriend I should not play game all day long in the internet bar, however I should not have made him broken-hearted.
And about since that time, I took him as my good friend and asked him now what I should do, he said to me and said to me I should forget my latale money and stay with him one day. And made an apology for him.